
Monday, August 27, 2012


She didn't understand at first, what that bond was, but she felt it pull them close. While they both tried to tear away from it. In their futile, sometimes half-hearted, curious ways. Ways they both saw. Both understood. She understood his unfinished sentences, she could complete them for herself; and him. He understood the nuances of what her eyes said, when they meant when they looked at him. What they meant when they looked away, or back. He could tell from the first, from her voice, whether she was awake or asleep; down or excited; faking or real. She knew when he was faking a smile. She could see beyond his smile. He knew when she was gulping tears, with her smile pasted on her face. There was communication; without words. She cherished that, she loved that. She loved how, he could just...tell. She loved how she always just..knew. She loved his honesty. Even in its brutality. She knew when it was meant to be gentle and when it wasn't. The fact was, they were together in what they loved, and even more together in what they hated.

She understood how he didn't run after her like other guys, he gave her half an hour, but it was hers - undivided. She saw the space that he needed, they both needed, and how understanding this made them closer - inside AND outside of their space. She knew he would not invade her space, and she wanted him to maintain his. She knew that what she would say or do may have consequences, but she wouldn't have to dread them. She just felt so comfortable. She could have an excited chat about everything in the world with him, understand, laugh and redden at all his pereverted jokes; and not live on small talk. Live on conversation; communication, in words, and in silence.

She felt he could fulfill her. They fit like hand in glove. She felt, he as glove could protect her; and she as glove could nurture him, and she wanted this interchangability and knew he wanted it too. That was what she wanted to do, love him and be loved by him, and interchangably. She wanted to share her life with him, live her life with him. She wanted to see the world through his eyes, and she wanted to show him how she saw him glisten in the stars. He seemed to love her with all her flaws, all her little angers, all her craziness, all her moods; she wanted to share all her questions with him, and know all of his, and then quest for the answers together.

She wanted to walk the beach with him, drench in the rain with him, bungee jump with him, rock climb, para-glide, you name it!. If life was to be a roller-coaster, she wanted to ride it with him, scream it with him, do no-hands! with him, hold on tight with him, and if fall, fall with him. Live her life aaalll the way with him, go wherever he took her, stay wherever he stayed. Run up escalators that were coming down, wear the same unisex perfume, drive the same little alto (and in her crazy manner- where all lanes are fast lanes) and converse in songs - even if everyone else thought we were crazy but we wouldn't care. She wanted to be her own skin with him and she felt she could be, her true self without layers assigned by "the appropriate police" - she was sick of them - the police AND the layers. She wanted to shed them before they tried to become her skin!

She wanted to laugh till she cried and cry till she laughed, cuz he could do that - he could make her. Say "yes" the next time he offered to buy her flowers, and say "i know" the next time he said "i forget my whole life when i see your pretty face" - even if it was in sinhala (and she saw it as true in his eyes when he said it). She loved how they both behaved like they were in a big movie and they were the stars. She was the heroine and she wanted him to be the leading man. Make our lives in this stupid, unforgiving, not-understanding, temporary world - worthwhile. Be the "happy-uplifting balm" to each other.