
Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Line between Confusion and Complexity

The time had finally arrived. They had come face to face. Confrontation had been inevitable, yet, was this the right time? Thought both. It was most difficult for the Line. In the dim, hazy, flickering light of the fireplace, she couldn’t even see him clearly. She could only hear Confusion shifting in his sofa, almost uncontrollably. His crisp ironed drapes were nothing but a forest of creases now. Complexity was late; but isn’t she always? The duration was short, but the wait, endless. Finally, the crackling of the fire and the shifting of Confusions curious drapes was interrupted by footsteps. Calm, calculated, uniform footsteps. In a mixture of panic and relief, Confusion turned around. Line gazed poignantly. One wait was over whilst the other began. The room was filled with the crackles from the fire the rocking of Complexity’s chair.

The Line wanted to break the silence, yet, couldn’t; “how strategic position takes away from one”, she thought. Complexity gazed up at the ceiling as though she could see the stars through it, while Confusion stared point blank at her, sitting as still as a statue. The fire lit their faces partially, but their emotions needed no illumination. Those almost shone through.

Complexity calmly waited, consciously testing Confusions patience. Infact, she enjoyed those moments as blessings of peace; exasperated as she was, at having to be stuck with Confusion. As expected, Confusion broke the silence.

Confusion: So how are you?

Complexity: How do I look?

Confusion: I don’t knoww

Complexity: Do you ever?

Confusion: How come you never ask me how I am?

Complexity: Cause you never know

Confusion: I wanted to discuss a few things with you.

Complexity: I’m glad to see you coming to the point – sooner than usual I note.

Confusion: Why are you so arrogant?

Complexity: You want to discuss me? Are you sure?

Confusion: No, I only wanted to discuss how we are made to cross over and mask each other

Complexity: Why? Do I not make a pleasing cover?

Line: That, is besides the point

Complexity is startled

Confusion: Please do not digress

Complexity to Line: I never knew you could speak

Line: Your constant stepping over me has forced me to. Else, my position does not allow it

Confusion to Line: If you had to do the talking yourself, why did you drag me into this?

Line: Cause you are the one who leads into this crossing over, in any direction

Complexity: you have to understand that I am your future. You are the path and I the destination, and my dear Line who does the Herculean task of keeping him separate from me, you cannot deny fate

Line: I refuse to believe “fate” shall be so unkind to me

Complexity: I would understand if Confusion said that, why you?

Confusion: Fate is not unkind to me!

Line: Indeed, ignorance IS bliss

Complexity: I see you are closer to me than him. Nevertheless, we are here to discuss something else. (Facing Confusion) You may speak

Confusion: I am sick of being used

Complexity: How so?

Confusion: Let me finish at least

Complexity: Proceed sire.

Confusion: I am sick of being at play and then masking me with you. I don’t like it when I am ‘confused’ with you. My incoherence is forcibly cohesed to convince I am you. I am sick of this pretense

Complexity: Hmm…valid, and I must say, true. Even I disagree with clarity of thought being confused with incoherence and I find it most painful to do so. Indeed, many a confused cover you with me and I am an unwilling, yet pleasing disguise.

Confusion: How do you think we can stop this?

Complexity: I think you wouldn’t like me wiping you out.

Line: What do you mean Your Arrogance?

Complexity: Ah! Of course, you’d be wiped out too.

Line: I’d be free

Complexity: My dearest, it is actually this excess of you that is causing your complaints. You are your enemy. Rarely do I not see through you; but you, you cannot tolerate a mirror, and like to please yourself with an image of me. You must learn to recognize, yet once you do, we are one and you are lost. Its your choice

Also published on facebook 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today, he had died. 

One of them; those who set up the stake she burnt at. 
He, had died. He who had added logs to the fire she burnt in. Yet, she had gone for his funeral. 
Gone to shed tears for him. 

He who had stood afar watching , making small talk and loud gossip of her miserable predicament. 
All the while she burnt. He just, saw. Never felt. Today, she had gone to feel sorry for him. 

He who had not cared if she lost her dignity, her life or her all. 
She was there to feel a loss of him. 

He who she had expected to smother the flames. The flames in which they cremated her alive. 
In flesh and bone. 
In sanity and trust. 
In love. 
In all. All in the name of God. 

Yet, she was there by his deathbed, to make a prayer for him. 
He who had propagated her a God-less woman.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

She was in a place of power. Or so she felt.

She was giving them both a chance, both love, and life.
After them having taken all chances with her, it was now her turn.
So oblivious to feeling she was, that she could now sit and watch.
From a place above: a place of comfort, for her; and a place of discomfort, for them.
She would let them play, but not give them cues; make no reactions, just see how it goes on.
Make no moves, just wait for their next move. She was so initiative-less, yet powerful.
For a change, she was watching, and they were watchful.
She was awaited, and they were waiting.
It was she who was in control, of herself; and not them, in control of her.
She was in a place of power.
Or so.
She felt.