
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tea Tea Tea

If I were to point out an addiction that I have, one which would give me any after-taking-away- of-drug symptoms; it would be tea. It must be noted, I mean TEA...not caffeine. Caffeine can be got through a number of other "halal" drinks, like coca-cola, and coffee. Okay, the "number" ended sooner than I expected... :(... ;p....But tea is my favourite. I am called the official chai-wala (tea-maker) of my class, when we stay those nights in studio, - yes, we the architecture students- me and another friend of mine go around asking people if they want tea. Some accuse us of having addicted them to it also...hehehe...and well, we accept it...we have!!!..

I am basically addicted to tea, cuz my mother, its not hereditary. Look, I come from a country that has no qualms about what the "first world" calls "child labour" ...not that what I was subjected to was child labour, but still... Moving on, when I was what...six??...or was it five and half??...six I think, when I made the first cup of tea for my mother, and from then on it never stopped. She has, to-date, a mug of tea every half an hour!!!...and my fellas call me an addict!...It has been one of our family jokes that if one day we cut ourselves...we will bleed tea...hehehe

Anyways, I have always been proud that I can completely multi-task where tea is concerned. I can have tea while walking, climbing the stairs, draftingg, drawing, u name it!!! - without spilling - and in a moving vehicle, no, not a plane!..I mean the bumpy roller coaster roads of Karachiiii!!!...Where ther are more speed breakers than road length, and more khaddas (dips, ditches, unexpected depressions) than speed breakers - I mean the mountainous speed breakers - here its a real task to juggle with a mug of hot tea waitng to overflow.

Well, today, for me was a milestone tea day. Why?...cuz i drove on the same mad roads while i drank my tea!!!...It felt great!...freaked my sister out but I was very pleased with myself. It was amusing to watch aunties raise eyebrows beyond their foreheads, office-type guys with ties fix their specs to believe their eyes and the paan-chewing truck-walas looking down for a reason other than my being a female...And the tullas!! (traffic-police), they were just classic...! attempted to pull me over but instead just yelled...Baybee!!!...poor him!...Now I just wish I had taken a photograph....:/...:D

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